Change our Way of Life with AI Technology
Change our Way of Life with AI Technology Topic 1: Understanding AI + Block Robot Technology Date:2020/8/11 Time: 17:00-18:30 Taipei Time Objective: Learn the...
Coding Towards A Sustainable Future
Coding Towards A Sustainable Future Topic 1: Introduction to Fan Graphic Coding Date:2020/8/4 Time: 17:00-18:30 Taipei Time Objective: The aim of this course is...
Explore our Earth from the Horizon Above
Explore our Earth from the Horizon Above Topic 1: UAV Programming and Flight Demonstration Date:2020/7/28 Time: 17:00-18:30 Taipei Time Objective: This course will help...
Flip our Perspective using Internet of Things
Flip our Perspective using Internet of Things Topic 1: Getting Started with Arduino and IoT Applications Date:2020/7/21 Time: 17:00-18:30 Taipei Time Objective: Introduce students...
Create a Three Dimension World Together
Create a Three Dimension World Together Topic 1: Apply 3D Technology to your own Classroom and Campus Date:2020/7/14 Time: 17:00-18:30 Taipei Time Objective: Create...
Teaching and Learning in Clinical Diagnosis: An AI-enhanced Tool(Virtual-DxM)
Teaching and Learning in Clinical Diagnosis: An AI-enhanced Tool(Virtual-DxM) Course goal: In this course, you will get to know the concepts of artificial intelligence...
TAIWAN-THAILAND DIGITAL ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM AGAINST COVID-19 Course goal: Amid the outbreak of COVID-19, how can we fight the virus using STEAM education and computational...
Flip up Learning Computer Science
Flip up Learning Computer Science Topic 1: Thinking with or without a Computer Date:2020/5/25 Time: 17:00-18:00 Taipei Time Objective: Explain why computational thinking is...
Making Connections to The World
Making Connections to The World Topic 1: DIY an autonomous vehicle to Deliver Food to You Date:2020/5/18 Time: 17:00-18:00 Taipei Time Objective: Learn the...